Innovation Lab
Driving innovation with art in strategy®
Galerie Arimont operates under the umbrella of the art in strategy® Creative Innovation Lab that integrates art into entrepreneurial value creation. art in strategy® is neither a product nor a project per se. art in strategy® is a transformative approach to let art and business meet in such a way that profitable things can emerge.
The point of connection between art and business is a changed view of innovation and communication processes, with which companies can fulfill their role as profitable corporate citizens within the framework of individual art sponsorship projects and at the same time intensify their innovative power.
Thus, in the development of (technological) innovation, philosophical and social aspects can be unfolded as an expanding perspective and profitably applied. With interdisciplinary teams Katharina Arimont acts at different interfaces and uses art as a mirror of social needs in economic processes. She investigates the effects of new technologies in cultural contexts in order to initiate a process within free gallery exhibitions as well as entrepreneurial art promotion projects that is enriching for the institutions and companies involved as well as for the society surrounding them at the same time.